Friday, August 28, 2015

Anniversary of Katrina, August Full Moon, and This Weeks Recorded Version of "Earthquake Minute"!!!

Not sure if there will be an actual "Earthquake Minute" this week due to a live radio broadcast scheduled to air in place of my usual show. Therefore unless it's a Major Earthquake I will not be in my nearby big city at the radio station where I usually am on Friday you know. Here is a recorded version of Earthquake Minute you might still enjoy albeit without having happened live on-the-air, CLICK Arrow:

Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina/Louisiana August 29th!!! The actual moment of landfall of Hurricane Katrina at Louisiana will fall just a few hours past the Exact Moment of the August Full Moon which will be around one in the afternoon on Saturday with the landfall having mostly taken place later in the evening. This landfall was one of the more notable landfalls of a hurricane or typhoon in that it traveled, and traveled, and traveled and continued on as a Hurricane practically all through the next day and into the next night almost, although I'm not sure where it became a Tropical Storm, I do seem to recall it was something like 18 hours on land as a hurricane and did damage all the way up into like Tennessee. So, this weekend will mark the day or days that all this happened and next week I will go on to explain how I tracked all of the earthquake energy that was to come!!!!!

Trouble and a whole lot of it coming up through the Caribbean right now as I'm writing this in the form of Tropical Storm Ericka!!! Now Danny and Ericka have both made similar landfalls along those islands of the Caribbean that I've been calling the Windward Islands, although that name might more specifically be a reference to just a couple islands of the Caribbean, I've been using the name Windward Islands collectively to refer to all the ones furthest out into the Atlantic from Pureto Rico and Virgin Islands. . . all the way south to French Guyana pretty much, all those islands and they may not all be Windward Islands, sorry. Tropical Storm Erica is predicted to continue on and strike Florida into next week and they are already talking preparations there!!! The day Hurricane Irene made landfall at Puerto Rico was followed like next day by the 5.8 Washington DC Earthquake back in 2011, just saying!!!

Danny and Ericka in the Caribbean means Lots of new Earthquake Energy and as I think I discussed in this weeks "Earthquake Minute" it means an earthquake for the Mexico City Region and I'm putting that one at 6 or 7. Full Moon Window will start around one on Friday and run through Sunday and there is sure to be some shaking with all those alerts currently going on around the world! Watch Russia, Santiago, and Pacific Islands because that big 7.9 Earthuqkae/Tsunami could be this weekend you know! EQ Guy

More earthquake stuff I wrote about in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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