Wednesday, March 4, 2015

6.1 Indonesia Earthquake Strikes Just South of Banda Aceh!!! Full Moon Window Begins!!!

Although I hadn't thought there may be a chance of a Major Earthquake around Indonesia, this is about the second or third one now in this new series of earthquakes there and so I suppose we might watch for more, but I don't have any typical resultants of Severe Winter Conditions in North America leading to an Indonesia Earthquake. I do have plenty leading to California Earthquakes and always with "Snowfall Epicenters" out east as I discuss in this weeks EQ Video Blog one more time from Downtown New Madrid!!! CLICK Arrow:
Here's EQ Video Log: New Madrid at YouTube:

With the exact moment of the full moon being March 5 at 2:07am Central Time it looks like the March 2015 Full Moon Window might have started already early today. With so much earthquake stuff going on this will only increase the chances of earthquake energy being released inside of the window or between 2am on Wednesday Morning and very early on Friday Morning. So, the time is getting ever so much closer for California and West Coast to be looking at 6.9 to 7.9 Richters and now add full moon, although we've had so much cloud cover for so long now it's hard to say Full Moon when it just hasn't been visible. . . but it's still there so still be prepared!!!!! EQ Guy

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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