Thursday, February 3, 2011

New EQ Alert: Kiribati, Christchurch, Tavalu, Soloman Islands at 8 Richters!!! And Hawaii, Baja California, Los Angeles, and San Francisco!!!

Reports are indicating that the winds off Lake Michigan were as high as 70 mph and the winds reported with Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi are as high as 340 Kmh!!!!! I know that is Kilometers Per Hour, but just saying this will now mean a Major Earthquake as big as 8 Richters and could strike at any moment in the areas around Kiribati, Christchurch, and Baja California and be especially watching a lot of those other island nations and regions along that straight line beginning at the point where Cyclone Yasi made landfall yesterday at Queensland, Australia. This will sure be a major alert for California and the Western United States, but note that it is not a straight line of earthquake energy heading there and as a result is only based on plate tectonic movement beyond Baja California being directly in line with the force created by Cyclone Yasi with 190 mph winds.
With it looking like most of the U.S. has also gotten a lot of snow and upwards of 20 inches in a lot of places and drifts in the 10 to 15 foot range, I want to also note that those ever so slightly shaky earthquake areas of Southern Illinois, and Indiana, and Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee could get a good shaking in the coming hours and days as well.
This has happened before that we are now looking at major earthquake, after major earthquake, after major earthquake and I expect at least my regular readers to now know and be well aware that there is right now this extensive series of Major Earthquakes heading for those areas!!! This will mean volcano activity, tsunamis, and many major earthquakes with several hours of aftershocks to follow!!! Did I leave anything out? Pass the word along to be prepared!!! Batteries in flashlights and radios, gas in the chain saws and heavy equipment, and stock up on food and water because somebody out there is going to be getting a lot of this new earthquake energy very soon!!! Be watching out in Los Angeles, and San Francisco!!!!! Thank-You, again for reading!!! EQ Guy

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